If you have any questions, comments, feedback, or would just like to say thanks, send an email to ffwdhelp@pocketlim.com. You can also send a tweet to @ffwdapp.
Swipe up and down to scroll the lists of songs, albums, artists, or playlists.
To search, scroll to the top of the list (alternatively, tap the status bar and it will scroll you to the top). You can search songs, albums, artists, and songs within playlists and even the queue (when there's enough songs).
To skip to a different letter, tap the letter itself, then tap the letter you wish to skip to.
Swipe left and right to show different lists, i.e. songs, artists, albums or playlists. Alternatively, tap the title of the section you want.
To see what's currently playing, tap the now playing album art at the top right of the screen. (If there is nothing playing, it will show the settings button instead.)
To change the color of the accents (letters in the list, progress bar in the player) open the settings. You can pick a new color.
Scroll to the top of any of the lists to search that list.
While in the player, tap the artist name to jump to that artist, or tap the album title to jump to that album.
While in the artist list, tap the play button to play that artist's songs immediately. (Tapping the artist name shows you the artist details.)
While in the album list, tap the album to play the album. (Tapping the album shows you the album.)
While in an album, tap the artist to jump to the artist.
In the artist bio, if you see links, you can tap on them for more options. If the artist or album is in your library, you can jump directly to them!
Tap on an artist in the similar artists list to see more options. If they are in your library, you'll see their albums and songs too.
Help! Artist images aren't showing in the background!
Give it some time. Since I wanted to ensure that high quality images are used, it's intelligently figuring out which image is appropriately sized and will download that soon. If it has truly been a while and no image has shown up, check to make sure that your internet connection is active and working. After all, if there's no connection, it can't go out and get anything :) Also, last.fm can't match artists if your music is incorrectly tagged. Rather than showing their default "wrong tags" image, which I think looks awful, I've opted to keep that hidden. Please double check the tags in your songs to make sure the artist is spelled correctly.
Why is scrolling the album art view so slow?
It's only slow the first time when it goes through to process all the album art. After that, it should be fast again.
I don't see artist bio or similar artists.
These should be downloaded slightly before the background image for the artist. Again, check your internet connection and make sure the tags in your music are appropriately spelled and that the artist is correct. Also, it would seem some artists don't have a bio written for them, but they have artists that are similar to them.
I've found a problem/crash/issue. How do I report it?
Write down how you encountered the problem and try to reproduce it. The more detailed info you can provide, including any and all steps to reproduce the issue, will help me figure out what the problem is, and how to fix it :)
Email me the details at ffwdhelp@pocketlim.com.
I have a great idea! How would I tell you about it?
Great! I love ideas! Email me the details at ffwdhelp@pocketlim.com, or send a tweet to @ffwdapp